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Routine Operations...

Booking an operation...

Whilst availability for operations can depend upon a number of different factors, we are generally able to book your pet in for surgery within a couple of weeks. If you telephone the surgery, our staff can help you with booking, and give you all of the information needed for the day of the op. 

Before the operation...

For dogs and cats only: please don't feed your pet anything after 8pm on the evening before your pet's operation. Water can be left down overnight as it's important they can drink if they are thirsty.  In the morning, please don't feed your pet anything (water is ok though).


Dogs: please take out as usual to do their business so they are comfortable when they are here, but try to take them on a clean walk, avoiding getting them too muddy.

Then bring your pet to our Lydney surgery at the time that has been arranged for you.

General Information...

After being admitted by one of the Vets or Nurses, your animal will be given a 'pre-med' to prepare them for the anaesthetic and making them more comfortable. Once this has taken effect, the anaesthetic will be administered  - this is done intravenously, so your pet may have a patch of fur clipped, usually on their leg for access to the vein. 

During the surgery the anaesthetic is maintained with gas, via an endotracheal tube - this can sometimes cause some irritation, leading to a cough post-operatively. Should the cough persist, please seek advice from the surgery. ​

If any Medication is dispensed when your pet is discharged, please check the instructions, including when to start the course.

Should your pet have stitches, they will be discharged with an Elizabethan collar or protective medical pet shirt which must be kept on to prevent them from irritating the wound. Dogs should be limited to lead walking only, and any activity that could stress the wound (like jumping up and down, stairs etc.) should be avoided, whilst cats should be kept indoors, until the stitches can be removed. 

First 24 hours...

Your pet will normally need special care for the first 24 hours. Following the anaesthetic, patients are often uncoordinated, unsteady and drowsy, so we ask that they be kept indoors after their surgery, somewhere warm and quiet. They should have access to water, and can be offered a light meal in the evening, though they may not want to eat. 

In the case of small pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs it is vital that they are eating and drinking within 12 hours after the operation if this does not happen please contact the surgery.

Caring Vets For All Your Pets!

Copyright 2022, No animals were harmed in the making

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2023 © Copyright Animal Clinic

Monday - Friday

8:30 AM - 6:30 PM


1 Tuthill,

GL15 5PA

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